Program Schedule

There’s always something interesting and entertaining to hear, no matter when you tune to News Talk 730AM. Here’s our current lineup, subject to change without notice. 

Monday/MID-1A                 Sterling on Sundays
Monday-Friday/1A-6A           Coast to Coast
Monday-Friday/6A-9A           Hugh Hewitt
Thursday 8A                   Medical Hour
Friday 8A-10A                 Don and Dan
Monday-Friday/9A-12N          Kilmead and Friends
Monday-Friday/12N-3P          The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show
Monday-Friday/3P-6P           Sean Hannity
Monday-Friday/6P-9P           Mark Levin
Monday-Friday/9P-12MID        Ben Shapiro Show
Tuesday-Friday 12MID–1A       Rich Valdes
Saturday/MID-1A               Rich Valdes
Saturday/1A-6A                Coast to Coast
Saturday/6A-7A                Statler Financial
Saturday/7A-8A                Florida Round Table
Saturday/8A-10A               Better Lawns and Gardens
Saturday/10A-11A              Barbeque Nation
Saturday/11A-12Noon           Fat Guys at the Movies
Saturday/12N-1P               Statler Financial
Saturday/1P-2P                Legend of Success**
Saturday/2P-4P                Car Doctor
Saturday/4P-7P                Kim Komando
Saturday/7P-10P               Mark Levin
Saturday/10P-MID              Rich Valdes
Sunday/MID-2A                 Fox Across America
Sunday/2A-5A                  Coast to Coast
Sunday /5A-8A                 Eric Metaxas
Sunday/8A-10A                 Rudy Maxa WorldTravel
Sunday/10A-11A                Statler Financial
Sunday/11A-1P                 Real-Estate Today
Sunday/1P-3P                  Around The House
Sunday/3P-6P                  Handel on The Law
Sunday/6P-8P                  Watch Dog on Wall St.
Sunday/8P-10P                 Gun Talk
Sunday/10P-MID                Sterling on Sunday