News Update for 7/27/23

Avon Park Mayor Garrett Anderson continues to work on sculpting the City of Charm. He has called for a joint session between the Community Redevelopment Agency and the CRA Advisory Board to create a "grand vision" for Donaldson Park.
At issue will be objectives for the city-owned facility, with a special look at the shuffleboard courts located there.
No date for such a workshop was set – a meeting date is expected to be scheduled at the next council session. The city council also sits as the city’s CRA board.

The Highlands County School Board again has heard from parent Jesse Sapp. He came before the board to again warn them about Chromebook computers issued to students, and the youngsters’ ability to circumvent security measures and get to YouTube and other locations where they can find content he described as "foul."
Deputy Superintendent Andrew Lethbridge told the board that despite the regular breeches – their information technology department is constantly working to lock down the system – calling it "a constant battle."
Board chair Donna Howerton noted that Sapp is the only parent who comes forward to complain about such things. Sapp is a regular at the meetings, questioning the board about various topics.

There were no injuries reported in a fire last night west of Sebring. The blaze broke out in a trailer at the Francis Mobile Home Park about 9:30.
No injuries were reported in the incident. Cause of the fire and the extent of damage has not been released.

A Polk County home is being searched to help find a missing person. Auburndale Police and the FDLE searched a home on Indiana Court yesterday. They’re looking for clues in the disappearance of Tonya Whipp.
She lived in the home with the current resident, Jake Rudy, about a decade ago, but Rudy says he hasn’t seen her in over a month. Police will be back at the home today. Rudy tells WFLA he loves Whipp with all his heart, and he hopes she’s found safe.