It’s time for round two of the Highlands Radio Group’s Thanksgiving in the Heartland. Personalities from 99.1FM WWOJ and Lite 105.7 FM will be at the Avon Park Bingo Hall on Main street in the City of Charm.
From 10am until 6pm they will be collecting cash along with boxed & canned non-perishable foodstuffs for use by the New Testament Church and Mission. Their hope is to exceed last week’s take of $800 plus a van-full of goods.
Despite a record turnout for the mid terms, Highlands County Supervisor of Elections Penny Ogg said that Tuesday’s balloting went pretty smoothly. The Only glitch was an early morning power failure at precinct five. Workers went to their emergency protocol and everything was up and running in about a half hour.
But it may not be over yet. Ogg said her office is gearing up for their part in a possible re-count in the senatorial race between Rick Scott and Bill Nelson. It would be the first since the Bush-Gore re-count in 2000.
It appears that the municipal election in Avon Park may have some far reaching effects. According to reports, Avon Park City Manager June Fisher has tendered her resignation effective December 7th.
Reportedly, Fisher may not be the only staff member who might be planning an exit. Voters’ replacement of incumbents Terry Heston and Doris Smith with challengers Maria Sutherland and Stanley Spurlock signaled a fulcrumatic shift in philosophy on the council.
The big truck has landed at the Lakeshore Mall and the 48th Annual Gene Sheck Apple Sale is underway. It’s a major fundraiser for the Rotary Club. A wide variety of apples, apple butter and sweet cider is up for sale. It was trucked in from orchards located in northwest Ohio.
Some residents already have pre-ordered their produce, but there’s plenty left for everybody else. Thae sal will run into the late afternoon or until all the produce is gone.