Highlands County commissioner this morning discussed proposals on purchasing new properties for use by the county, the tax collector’s office and even the School Board of Highlands County.
Following an hour-long discussion, commissioners asked County Administrator Randy Vossburg to continue due dilligence at the old Phillips Power Plant for a fire station and training academy. Commissioners also expressed interest in the idea of sharing space at the Lakeshore Mall between the tax collector’s office and the school board.
There was less interest in the property currently occupied by Sebring City Hall. Commissioners decided to wait and see about the reaction of the Sebring City Council to a counter offer by the commissioners.
Commissioners also asked to look at options in the possibility of moving the Sebring branch of the countywide library system.
Republicans from all over Florida descended on Frostproof last night, as council members in the Friendly City proclaimed February 1st through 6th as “Donald J. Trump Week” there. Frostproof is the first city in the Sunshine State – and perhaps in the nation – to take such action.
Republican leaders including State Representative Anthony Sabatini – hope it becomes a trend. Sabatini is spearheading a drive to name Highway 27 in honor of former President Trump.
Polk County Sheriff’s officials have made another arrest in connection with fraud connected to Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities Act money. Also arrested in the sweep was Saget Genoret of Lakeland.
The 33-year-old Genoret reportedly collected $2,000 on the basis of a fraudulent letter of application.
Last week, the Polk County Sheriff’s office arrested 10 people – including four from Lake Wales on similar counts of obtaining the grants under fraudulent circumstances.