Officials of the Avon Park Air Force range say that for the next few weeks they will be providing what they term “world class training for pilots with Cutting Edge technology.” What that means is the air traffic may be a little louder than in the past.
They declined to indicate what kind of aircraft might be involved.
It’s day two of Race Week and that means Fan Fest in Downtown Sebring. Activities will begin around 5:00 om the Historic Circle downtown.
There may be some cars on static display and a group of 12 Hour drivers are due in for a question and answer session.
At 5:30, a parade of the big transporters carrying the race cars will come up Ridgewood Drive, go around the Circle then out to the track where they will park for tomorrow’s opening day.
The Federal Coronavirus vaccine location will be open again today at the Community Center in Avon Park. It will continue today and tomorrow from 9am until 5pm.
They will accomodate both drive-ins and walk-ins. Sme 20 nurses will be there to help facilitate the operation and Officials say they will have an EMS crew on standby in case of an adverse reaction to the drugs.
Those arriving at Donaldson Park looking for a swim in Avon Park are in for some disappointment. Signs have been posted to stay out of the water in Lake Verona – due to high levels of bacteria.
Avon Park City Manager Mark Schrader says the signs will be removed, once the bacteria levels drop to acceptable levels.
Highway 70 was shut down for a time early yesterday due to a three car crash. The incident occurred shortly before 7:30AM just east of the Lonesome Island Road.
At least two people had to be transported as a result of the accident. The Florida Highway Patrol has released no other information on the crash.