Officials from Representative Cary Pigman’s office have released reports saying the Florida House member had a brush with death earlier this month. Pigman reportedly collided with a car during a 27 mile bicycle ride in Okechobee County.
The force of the impact reportedly collapsed one of Pigman’s lungs and damaged the other. However, staff at Raulerson Hospital were able to stabilize him. Pigman also suffered broken ribs, a fractured breastbone and pelvis as well as back injuries.
He then was flown to Tampa General Hospital where he spent four days in the Intensive Care Unit. He since has been discharged. Pigman said wearing his bicycle helmet kept his injuries from being worse.
Firefighters from Highlands, Desoto and Glades county joined the Florida Forest Service yesterday to help quash a brush fire south of Venus. The blaze charred some 85 acres before they could get it under control.
No injuries were reported, however, two unoccupied structures were burned down. Officials say it appears that sparks from a train caused the fire. Apparently there were spot fires along two miles of track.
Drift smoke continues in the area as smoldering has continued throughout the night.
Americans have been warned to brace themselves for the worst week of the Coronavirus yet. Another positive has been reported in Highlands County.
Since records started being kept, 46 local cases of the disease have been registered here. Although the severity of the infections are not known, 15 have been hospitalized at some time during the course of the illness.
Four deaths have been recorded. Federal officials say anyone who dies and tests positive for the Corona is being listed now as a fatality – regardless of underlying conditions.
Records show there have 26 men and 20 women tested positive so far. Department of Health officials have not yet issued any recovery rates. Of the 362 tests administered, 314 have come back negative.
Apparently there has been at least one recovery from the Corona virus in Highlands County. Doctors, nurses and staff lined the waiting room yesterday at Highlands Regional Medical Center to salute a patient who was being dismissed after battling off the disease.
Identified only as “Jose,” the man was wheeled out of the hospital and sent home.