Officials from the NuCor Steel manufacturing facility say they are well underway to starting operation. Reportedly, they already have hired 156 people – 63 of who live in Highlands County. They say the Rolling operations should be functional in October with the melt shop to be on line some time in November.
They say other work – such as intersection improvements are still under construction.
Highlands County commissioners are scrambling to spend $4.6 million dollars in CARES act money by the end of the month. Apparently scrutiny of the applications for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security act money is going slowly.
The county needs to have all that money paid out by the end of the month to be eligible for a second round of more than $13 million dollars. Commissioners called to have additional personnel review and approve the applications from individuals, businesses and community services so that checks can be cut.
NEWS 9/14/20 BF
The latest Coronavirus test numbers released by the Florida Department of Health show there have been 9 additional positive, and 117 negative tests added to Highlands County’s ongoing count.
Of the 19,930 tests administered locally – 17,915 have been negative with 2005 positive cases recorded.
There have been 210 people hospitalized at some point during their illness and 78 deaths have been tied to the corona virus here since numbers started being kept.
Avon Park city council last night set their rates for fire assessment, as well as a tentative budget and millage rate for the upcoming fiscal year. The fire assessment in the City of Charm will remain the same – but taxes could be going up.
By a 3-2 margin, the council moved to leave the tentative millage at 2 mils – up from .3 mills. Council members Maria Sutherland, Jim Barnard and Mayor Garrett Anderson agreed that would give them some wiggle room, to make adjustments on the budget.
A final hearing will be September 28th.
With all of the cancellations in the area, Avon Park city council members last night agreed that Tricker Treat should go on as usual. It will be held the last Saturday in October – which just happens to be the 31st.
Council members agreed that those who want to participate can, and those who do not can either not turn out or leave their porch lights off.
One person was injured this morning in an accident west of Placid Lakes. Described as a single vehicle rollover, it occured just off State Road 70.
Florida Highway Patrol units as well as units from the Placid Lakes and Sun ‘N Lake departments responded along with EMS. The roadway in the area is open.