Highlands County health officials continue to try and calm residents and dispel rumors about the Corona virus. For instance, despite what you might have heard, there are NO cases in Highlands County. Not even any presumptive cases.
Also, we are not out of “test kits,” which are basically cotton swabs used to take samples to send off to the Centers for Disease Control.
Their advice remains the same. Wash your hands throughly and often, steer clear of sick folks and if YOU get sick…STAY HOME.
As fears about the Corona Virus spread, experts say Florida may be in a unique position to help a bit. While Vitamin C will not cure the disease – experts say Vitamin C can help in the prevention of contracting the disease.
Authorities concur that Vitamin C can help prevent such a virus and slow its spread. AND – This powerful anti-oxident can be found in a readily available local commodity – fresh Florida orange juice.
Moreover, Natural Health reports indicate Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to pneumonia – so there’s that.
Highlands County Citrus Growers Association Executive Director Ray Royce says “There’s plenty around. Folks won’t drink us out of our supply of OJ”
There’s a chance you might be hearing some big booms over the next few days. Officials at the Avon Park Bombing Range say not to worry, they’re just hosting some AC-130 gunships.
The big planes and their crews are doing some ground-attack training there.
There won’t be any change in the Sebring city council in the foreseeable future. Incumbent city councilmen Lenard Carlisle, Tom Dettman and Mark Stewart cruised to easy victories yesterday in a municipal election in the City on the Circle.
Mayor John Shoop and City Clerk Kathy Haley were returned to office without opposition. Officials at Supervisor of Elections Penny Oggs’ office said voter turnout was light.
Two people suffered minor injuries yesterday in a single vehicle roll-over accident. The car went over on its roof on Highway 27 at Whisper Circle north of Sebring.
A number of lanes in both directions were closed down while first responders cleared the scene. No names or accident details have yet been released.