The latest Corona virus numbers are out, and as more tests are conducted, there are more positive and more negative results. There are nine new positive and 69 new negative results. That means since testing began several months ago, there have been 169 positive results, and 5,288 negatives recorded.
Overall, some 5,460 tests have been administered over the past 12-weeks or so with a 94.7-percent negative rate. Florida Department of Health officials say 43 people have been hospitalized at some point during their illness. There have been nine deaths tied to the Corona virus since statistics started being kept back in March.
Highlands County Sheriff’s officials say there was a stabbing on the south side of Avon Park overnight. The incident apparently happened at a Gail Street address about 3:30 this morning. The victim was taken to the hospital with what were described as non-life threatening injuries.
No arrests have been made at this time. Detectives say they still are trying to ferret out exactly what happened.
You’ve seen their signs for weeks – but official qualifying for the upcoming elections in Highlands County closed at noon. The deadline for filing petition cards was several weeks ago, but the filing date ended today.
Seats on the ballot include the Clark of Courts, Sheriff,’ Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, and Superintendent of Schools. Four county commission seats and two school board seats also will be on the ballot.
The primary election is set for August 18.
A Polk County man reportedly died after crashing a motorcycle that he had for less than a week. The accident occurred at the Carlton Arms of South Lakeland apartment complex. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says 63-year-old Stephen Wheeler was pulling out of a garage and sped off across a street, hitting a raised concrete curb. The motorcycle when down an embankment, and Wheeler hit his head on a fence at the bottom. He was pronounced dead at a hospital Thursday. Wheeler’s wife told deputies that her husband had recently purchased the motorcycle, which was delivered June 4.