News Update for 7/19/19

Highlands County’s first responders have been busy overnight. In addition to a spate of medical calls, there were at least two traffic incidents. One person was taken to the hospital last night when a couple of vehicles came together at the intersection of Main Street and North Lake Avenue in Avon Park. The force of Continue reading

News Update for 7/18/19

A motorcyclist lost her life during the pre-dawn hours in Avon Park. It reportedly happened about 1:30 when 41-year-old Mayra Teresa Torres Muniz reportedly ran the stop sign at the intersection at Bell Street and Hart Avenue. Florida Highway Patrol reports indicate Muniz’ Suzuki pulled into the path of an oncoming Chrysler 300, being driven Continue reading

News Update for 7/17/19

Highlands County commissioners held a rare night meeting yesterday in order to hold a workshop on the budget. They worked on trimming back their expenditures by just over $330,000. However, they say, their’s is just 20 percent of the budget. The other 80-percent falls under other constitutional offices such as the Highlands County Sheriff, clerk Continue reading

News 7/16/19

Highlands County commissioners will convene this evening for a rare “night” session. It’s set for 5:30 in the government center. Reportedly, they will discuss issues surrounding the upcoming budget – and ways to trim it to fit within the current 8.55 millage rate. Otherwise – commissioners could vote to raise taxes. In other action, commissioners Continue reading

News Update for 7/16/19

A Saturday morning incident at the Lakeshore Mall had Highlands County Sheriff’s working with US Marshalls in trying to apprehend a fugitive. In the end, 34-year-old Brian Roosevelt Wilson of Windemere committed suicide, rather than be taken into custody. Sheriff’s officials had received word from the US Marshal’s service that Wilson might be in the Continue reading

News Update 6/11/19

Reimbursement money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency is a step closer to actually being in Highlands County. FEMA has approved $4.3 million for the State of Florida to help Highlands County defray the costs of debris removal for Hurricane Irma under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program. The FEMA funds will reimburse the county for the Continue reading

News Update for 6/10/19

An accident last night near the Sebring Regional Airport sent at least one person to the hospital. Reports are that the victim was airlifted out after a vehicle hit a tree just off Heywood Taylor Blvd about 6pm. So far, no names or other details have been released. Nearly 100 people showed up last night Continue reading

News Update for 6/9/19

The second of two public budget presentations will be made this evening so citizens can get a look at spending plans by the Highlands County commission. This one will be at South Florida State College and will be part of the semi-annual town hall meetings staged by Commissioner Don Elwell. A number of county department Continue reading

News Update for 6/8/19

Highlands County Sheriff’s detectives are at work this morning trying to unravel the circumstances surrounding a home invasion incident last night. According to authorities, two armed black men forced their way into a home on Devon Court shortly after 10pm. A tussle ensued, and the resident of the home was able to drive off the Continue reading

News Update for 6/28/19

There’s a new name on the Highlands County convention center. It now will be known as “The Alan Jay Arena.” The popular local car magnate purchased the naming rights earlier this year – and temporary signage now is in place. The facility, at the Highlands County fairgrounds, has housed events from concerts to graduation ceremonies Continue reading