That cloud of smoke from the Canadian Wildfires that covered most of Florida yesterday has moved on. At one point, the air quality index locally had ballooned to a reading of 130, which was deemed "unhealthy for sensitive groups." Older adults, young children and those with raspatory issues were urged to stay inside.
The number has dropped back down to 50 – which qualifies as "good."
The Highlands County Legislative Delegation will make a stop here this morning. State Senator Erin Grall and Florida House Representative Kaylee Tuck will be at the Highlands County Commissioners Chambers beginning at 9:30.
On tap will be updates on some of the pending legislation that will have local effects in the upcoming session.
A number of individuals and groups have signed up to address the state legislators on a number of their issues of interest.
Highlands County commissioners yesterday voted to give new Couty Administrator Laurie Hurner a four-percent pay raise, coupled with a pending one-percent increase slated for all county employees, Hurner’s increase will jump a full five percent.
In other action, by a 3-2 vote, commissioners voted not to take an extra day off next year.
Independence Day is on a Thursday, and some other governmental entities will take the followng Friday as well. County employees will work that day before the weekend.